
Password Recovery with Passcovery Programs

Effective software solutions to the problem of lost or forgotten passwords

  • Recover passwords of popular file formats:
    • Microsoft Office, OpenOffice/LibreOffice and Adobe PDF documents
    • RAR/WinRAR and Zip/WinZip archives
    • Apple iOS, BlackBerry OS backup files
    • TrueCrypt volumes
    • WPA/WPA2 “handshakes”
  • Guaranteed high speed while searching password with strong protection
  • Flexible range customization options
  • Acceleration on NVIDIA and/or AMD graphics cards

Key features and benefits of Passcovery Solutions


High-speed recovery of strong passwords

Recovery of a strong password is a brute force attack aimed at finding the lost or forgotten password from a given range of words.

Passcovery programs use a highly optimized source code and guarantee the best speed of brute force while recovering a strong password on any modern Intel or AMD processor.


GPU acceleration on NVIDIA/AMD

Passcovery solutions support acceleration on NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards and engage the GPUs in the password recovery process. The programs use all the GPUs available in a single Windows system and drastically reduce the time of brute force attack.


Effective range customization options

High speed of brute force attack is a necessary but insufficient condition for successful recovery of strong passwords. You can further cut the search time by reducing the range of passwords to try.

Passcovery programs have the following search optimization options:

  • brute force with extended mask attack – allows you to define sets of possible values individually for each position in the generated password
  • dictionary attack with merging and mutation options – allows you to combine up to 4 dictionaries and change passwords according to the defined mutation rules)
  • attack scenarios – allows you to pre-configure and sequentially perform password attacking algorithms, no matter how of complex they might be




Passcovery Suite

for Microsoft Office and OpenOffice/LibreOffice, Adobe PDF, WinRAR and Zip/WinZip, TrueCrypt, Apple iOS/BlackBerry OS, WPA/WPA2

Accent RAR Password Recovery

for RAR/WinRAR

Accent OFFICE Password Recovery

for Microsoft Office and OpenOffice/LibreOffice

Accent ZIP Password Recovery

for Zip/WinZip

Accent PDF Password Recovery

for Adobe PDF

Accent EXCEL Password Recovery

for Microsoft Excel

Accent WORD Password Recovery

for Microsoft Word

for guaranteed decryption of Excel and Word 97-2003



Remove password to open for Excel and Word 97-2003 (.xls/.doc files)

Passcovery’s service decodes any password-protected file created in Excel or Word 97-2003, creating an exact copy of the file without password protection.


Why use

Over 20,000 users around the world have used the service to remove the passwords from their Excel/Word files.


100% guarantee

Passcovery guarantees that its service can decrypt and remove the password for any Excel/Word file with 40-bit encryption (.doc/.dot/.xls/.xla files created in Microsoft Office 97-2003). It doesn’t matter how long or complex the password is.

No software to install on your computer

To remove the password to open an Excel/Word file, all you need is a web browser to upload the protected file and an email address where we can send the decrypted copy.

Pay for results

You will see the first page of your document immediately after decryption. There is no charge for the decryption – you only pay to receive a copy of the decrypted file once the decryption is successful.

Decryption and password removal in 24 hours

Once you upload your file to, decryption and password removal will take less than 24 hours.

Retains all data and formatting

The decrypted file will retain all the data and formatting of your original text or Excel spreadsheet. The only difference will be the missing password.


How removes Excel/Word passwords

Watch how and when rainbow tables save you time, so you don’t have to recover the actual password to your Microsoft Office file.

Software Sources Ltd. is Passcovery’s reseller.