GitLab Solutions

GitLab is The DevSecOps Platform that empowers organizations to deliver software faster, more efficiently, while strengthening security and compliance.


Shift Left Security and Compliance

GitLab Security and Governance

GitLab empowers your teams to balance speed and security by automating software delivery and securing your end-to-end software supply chain.

Ship with speed and security

Integrated security

One platform, one price, everything out of the box.

Continuous security

Automated scans before and after code push.

Complete control

Implement guardrails and automate policies.

Secure your software supply chain

GitLab helps you secure your end-to-end software supply chain (including your source, build, dependencies, and released artifacts), create an inventory of software used (software bill of materials), and apply necessary controls.

Manage threat vectors

GitLab helps you shift security left by automatically scanning vulnerabilities in source code, containers, dependencies, and running applications. Guardrail controls can be put in place to secure your production environment.

Adhere to compliance requirements

GitLab can help you track your changes, implement necessary controls to protect what goes into production, and ensure adherence to license compliance and regulatory frameworks.

Integrate security testing within the CI/CD pipeline

Use our built-in scanners and integrate custom scanners. Shift security left to empower developers to find and fix security flaws as they are created. Comprehensive scanners include SAST, DAST, secret scanning, dependency scanning, container scanning, IaC scanning, API security, and fuzz testing.

AI‑powered DevSecOps Platform

All the benefits of the DevSecOps Platform, now faster than ever.

Benefits of Value Stream Management

Software development should always aim to maximize customer or business value delivery—but how do you identify inefficiencies in that delivery, and how can you course-correct when you do? GitLab’s Value Stream Management helps businesses visualize their end-to-end DevSecOps workstream, identify and target waste and inefficiencies, and take action to optimize those workstreams to deliver the highest possible velocity of value.


A Value Stream Delivery Platform

In The Future of DevOps Toolchains Will Involve Maximizing Flow in IT Value Streams, Gartner recommended that "infrastructure and operations leaders responsible for selecting and deploying DevOps toolchains should: drive business ability by using DevOps value stream delivery platforms that reduce the overhead of managing complex toolchains." [1] By providing an entire DevOps platform as a single application, GitLab is uniquely suited to provide end-to-end visibility throughout the entire lifecycle without the “toolchain tax.” As the place where work happens, GitLab can also unite visualization with action, allowing users to jump from learning to doing at any time, without losing context.

[1] Gartner "The Future of DevOps Toolchains Will Involve Maximizing Flow in IT Value Streams," Manjunath Bhat, et al, 14 January 2020 (Gartner subscription required)


View and manage end-to-end processes

Value Stream Analytics helps you visualize and manage the DevSecOps flow from ideation to customer delivery. Out of the box, GitLab offers actionable reporting on common workflows and metrics, with nothing to install or configure. If you want to dive deeper or model custom workflows, GitLab’s unified, comprehensive data store makes it easy to track whatever events matter.

  • One tool, no chain: GitLab unifies the entire DevSecOps toolchain into a single application. There are no integrations to manage, no API chokepoints to limit visibility, and a shared experience for everyone in the company, regardless of role.
  • Shared, actionable data: A single source of insight built on a single system of work means you can spend more time developing value and less time finding where it’s stalled.
  • Focus on value – not ceremony: Track and manage the actual flow of work and eliminate unnecessary ceremony. A single DevSecOps application means single-click drill down into actual work items, so you can remove blockages as soon as you find them.


Drive continuous improvement based on the data from your value stream.

  • Track flow and accelerate: Focusing on the flow of value to customers is key to streamlining the delivery process.
  • Cycle time: Track the actual work and effort, the real cycle time to deliver value.
  • Business value: Link actual value back to the change.
  • DORA4 metrics: DORA4 metrics help you benchmark your DevSecOps maturity and are a useful indicator for comparison – either within the team or comparable companies / industries. Monitor the Lead time for change and Deployment Frequency to measure your DevSecOps process efficiency.

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