CAD Exchanger

View, explore and convert 3D CAD data on desktop, web and mobile

Applications for end-users. SDK's and tools for software developers. Custom development services for businesses.

Custom software development

Entrust development of your complex 3D app to the team of professionals.
We build bespoke software from specific algorithms to turn-key applications that meet your requirements.

CAD Exchanger Lab

Load and convert models on Windows, Mac and Linux without having to deal with expensive CAD systems.

Work with CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, Creo, STEP, JT, IFC and many more formats.

Perfect for Your 3D Data Workflow

Connect different software

Exchange data between incompatible 3D and CAD software. Get a productivity boost with fast and accurate conversions.


Design review

Study designs made in any major CAD package: explore structure and properties, sectioned and exploded views.


Model inspection

Inspect models' dimensions and mass properties, perform measurements to compare against manufactured samples.


CAD data preparation

Convert models to standard formats, generate fine-tuned meshes from CAD geometry for downstream applications.


Your CAD Viewing and Conversion Needs, Covered



CAD Exchanger SDK

Software Libraries to Read, Write and Visualize 3D CAD files

Quickly and easily enrich your web, server or desktop app with access to CAD and BIM data.

Work with CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, Creo, STEP, JT, IFC and many more formats from C++, Python, C#, Java and JavaScript.


Suitable for any 3D powered application

3D web applications

Ingest, convert and process CAD/BIM data on the backend. Use lightweight and interactive visualization on the frontend.


AR, VR and Unity applications

Set up 3D data conversion pipelines with tunable mesh generation and optimization to deliver immersive experiences.


Manufacturing as a Service platforms

Enable seamless part import, accurate cost estimations and instant DFM feedback for sheet metal, CNC machining, etc.


Engineering applications

Get full access to the structure, geometry and metadata in CAD and BIM models. Save time by using robust advanced processing functions.


Customizable to fit your needs

  • Pick components to deliver the most value to your users
  • Get started with everything you need for a fully‑featured 3D application
  • Top it off with optional components for maximum productivity


Converters: Proprietary and open standards

Visualization: Desktop and web 3D viewers & tools

Advanced processing: Meshing, simplification, NURBS recognition

Integrations: Game engines, CAD kernels

Core: Data model, shape healing, basic modeling




All-purpose CAD and 3D conversion automation

  • SaaS applications: Convert user-uploaded 3D and CAD models and generate thumbnails for your SaaS application.
  • Large-scale 3D data processing: Leverage data conversion automation for increased team productivity and throughput.

Powerful CAD conversions made simple



Software Sources Ltd. is CAD Exchanger's Reseller