
Belkasoft X

Belkasoft X is a comprehensive digital forensic tool used by government and corporate customers.


Belkasoft for Corporate Investigations

Protect your business assets from malware and hacking attempts, perform cyber incident investigations and incident response, comply with legal requirements and regulations in eDiscovery, respond to insider threats, fight cyberharassment and bullying in the workplace.

Implement Belkasoft within your organization, customize it for your company’s needs and budget, and boost your digital forensics, incident response, and eDiscovery capacity.



Belkasoft X Corporate edition

The corporate edition of our flagship tool Belkasoft Evidence Center (Belkasoft X) is enhanced with extended analytical functionality and specific features. This edition was developed to meet the business requirements of large corporate organizations, such as supporting YARA and Sigma rules for malware detection or supporting RSMF and Concordance formats suitable for the file-based eDiscovery export.





Belkasoft N

Investigate suspicious traces left from hacking attempts and malicious code. Discover initial attack vectors and malware tricks hackers use to penetrate your company’s network infrastructure with Belkasoft N. Use obtained data to mitigate past or ongoing attacks and prevent future threats.





Belkasoft R

Remote device acquisition is now at your fingertips. Acquire critical data from one to dozens to thousands of endpoints across your local and global network—including the remote acquisition of hard and removable drives, volatile memory, and even connected mobile devices. Selectively extract particular types of data using targeted acquisition, usable in eDiscovery workflows.



eDiscovery with Belkasoft

In the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity threats, it is important to have tools that can help you investigate and respond to security incidents quickly and effectively. Belkasoft offers advanced solutions that can help organizations stay ahead of the latest threats and minimize the impact of security incidents on their operations.

Robust email and document analysis

Analyze data from dozens of email and document formats, extract embedded files and attachments, index texts and metadata.

Export to RSMF and Concordance formats

Concordance and Relativity Short Message Format (RSMF) are two popular options to store data for the sake of eDiscovery and litigation. Export artifacts into RSMF and Concordance load files, suitable for file-based and message-based eDiscovery.

Text detection and optical character recognition

Make the unsearchable searchable by detecting, recognizing, and indexing texts from various types of files, including PDFs with raw images inside, scanned documents, and pictures, with Belkasoft’s built-in text detection function. Recover embedded text that may have been previously inaccessible, in 50+ languages.

Cloud data acquisition

Acquire data from popular cloud services such as iCloud, Google Suite, WhatsApp, Instagram, Office 365, Telegram, and Huawei that are even protected by two-factor authorization. Get the full story for your eDiscovery partners.

File-based export

Create a load file that contains organized, analyzed, and tagged data from various sources and share it easily with eDiscovery partners to make the review process more efficient.

On-site and remote devices

Ensure an effective data-gathering process with Belkasoft. Pre-select and collect data from targeted devices, on-site or remotely, regardless of if they are connected to the corporate network.


Acquire, examine and analyze evidence from mobile, computer and cloud sources.


Belkasoft X Forensic

Reliable end-to-end solution to accelerate digital forensic and cyber incident response investigations

Belkasoft X Forensic (Belkasoft Evidence Center X) is a flagship tool by Belkasoft for computer, mobile, drone, car, and cloud forensics. It can help you to acquire and analyze a wide range of mobile and computer devices, run various analytical tasks, perform case-wide searches, bookmark artifacts, and create reports.

This tool is offered to Government customers only.

Comprehensive investigations

Belkasoft X Forensic acquires, examines, analyzes, and presents digital evidence from major sources—computers, mobile devices, RAM, cars, drones, and cloud services—in a forensically sound manner. If you need to share the case details with your colleagues, use a free-of-charge portable Evidence Reader.


Belkasoft X Forensic works out of the box and can be easily integrated into customer workflows. The software interface is so user-friendly that you can start working with your cases right after the Belkasoft X Forensic deployment.

Quick and smart

While performing search tasks for evidence, Belkasoft X Forensic uses approaches that enable it to find the most forensically significant artifacts quickly instead of wasting time on redundant operations. Powerful analytical features such as a connection graph, a timeline and advanced picture and video analysis help you to uncover facts rapidly.

Save your time and efforts

Belkasoft X Forensic efficiently automates extraction and analysis tasks. The product can run unattended or be automated using the command line, allowing you to multitask and complete investigations quicker.

Tailored to your needs

Whether you work as an expert in a digital forensic laboratory for a federal law enforcement agency, a local or state police department investigator, our perpetual licensing and affordable price will perfectly fit your needs and budget.


Belkasoft X Forensic encompasses many years of experience, a team of outstanding professionals, a large amount of user feedback, and expert suggestions from numerous investigators in both law enforcement and the corporate world.

Software Sources Ltd. is serving as Belkasoft Reseller.